A Good Soldier of Christ

  • 조회 2275
  • 2016.03.10 14:37
  • 문서주소 - http://30th.yonsei.or.kr/bbs/board.php?bo_table=books&wr_id=51

책 소개

치열한 영적 전투에서 결코 후퇴란 없다! 
그리스도의 군사로 부름받은 자여, 군사의 자격을 갖추라!

오늘도 치열한 영적 전투에 참여하는 바로 당신을 위한 병법서(兵法書)!

You, called as soldier of Christ, have a proper qualification of a good soldier!

You cannot be a good soldier even if you have an excellent strategy for battle. 
If you retreat and yield, in this battle you are already lost. 
There should be no retreat in living spiritual life and the life of faith. 
This is a battle whether my soul and souls of whom we are in charge, live or die forever.

기본 정보

저자 : 윤석전 
출판사 : 연세말씀사 
발행일 : 2013.05.16 
페이지 수 : 346 page 
ISBN : 978-89-91327-54-2 03230 
판형 : 신국판


Prologue •6

Part 1 Called to be a Soldier •14 

The Status of a Soldier •16
1/ Remain in Jesus Christ •18
2/ Be Called as Soldiers of Christ •26

Qualifications of a Soldier I •32
1/ Who is Killing Me? •34
2/ Who Saves Me? •44

Qualifications of a Soldier II •50
1/ Remain in God’s Grace •51
2/ Be Strong in the Grace •55
3/ Be Faithful in the Grace •67

Qualifications of a Soldier III •74
1/ Do Not Be Chained Down to Yourself •75

Part 2 What Must we Fight  •92

Fight Against the Flesh •94
1/ Do Not Live According to the Flesh •96
2/ Overcome Bad Habits •105

War of Discernment •116
1/ Overcome What You See •117
2/ Overcome What You Hear •121
3/ Overcome Speaking •128

Fight Against Desires •132
1/ Sympathy •134
2/ Affection •136
3/ Emotion •138
4/ Worldly Desires •141
5/ Sexual Desires •155
6/ Desire for Honor •167

Battle in the Site of Ministry •174
1/ Fierce Spiritual Battle •176
2/ Unchained Ministry •186

Part 3 Weapons for Spiritual Battle •192

Fight According to the Rules of the Word •194
1/ Strategy for Victory: The Rules of the Word •197
2/ If the Game is Not Played According to the Rules •219

Arm Yourselves With Prayer •226
1/ Prayer That Gains God •227
2/ Gain Victory •232

Receive the Fullness of the Holy Spirit •242
1/ Receive the Fullness of the Holy Spirit •243
2/ The King of Victory, the Holy Spirit •248
3/ See Through the Power of the Holy Spirit and Win •253

Possess the Faith •260
1/ Faith is Power •262
2/ Building Kingdom Dreams by Faith •272

Move Forward in Obedience •278
1/ Remove Distractions •279
2/ The One Who Commands Takes Car •282
3/ People Who Won Through Obedience •285
4/ Obey in Love •288        
5/ Obey Consistently •291  

Part 4 For the Glory of the Final Victory  •294

There Will Be Trials •296
1/ The Beginning of Trials •298
2/ Enjoy Momentary Trials •301
3/ Evangelizing Even During Trials •304

To Die with the Lord •308
1/ He Does Not Use Cowards •309
2/ We Must Know the Father’s Heart •311
3/ Not to Spare Our Lives •313
4/ Will Die While Fighting •315

To Also Live with Him •318
1/ Remember Jesus’ Victory •319
2/ The Secret to Every Victory •322
3/ To Earn Eternal Life •326

You Shall Earn Crown of Glory •330 
1/ The Crown Given to Winners •332
2/ Life for the Joy of the Lord •333
3/ The Inheritance That the Winner Earns •335
4/ The Glory of Martyrdom •338

Epilogue •342
